- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
- In 1991 html was found by scientist 'Tim Berners Lee'.
- It is used to create web pages .
- It is a standard markup language.
- The term Hypertext was coined by Ted Nelson which means it contains links to the other pages.
- Markup means the specific type of text i.e. html uses html tags that shows the specific feature of that text.
- html shows the structure of an web page.
HTML 1.0-1191
HTML 2-1995
HTML 3.2-1997
HTML 4.01-1999
- html5 is the latest version of html.
- notepad
- sublime text 3
- By using html comment tag , you can add error text or any other message .
- The browser dosent't shows your comments in html document
- You can add message in comment section for remembering purpose.
- This is an opening tag , no need to close.
<!...........add comment here......>
<!program about p tag>
- HTML tags are like keywords that helps the browser or user to differentiate between normal data and html tags.
- They the browser , how to format the document according used tags in formatting.
- Tags defined in < > this symbols .
- < > called as an opening tag.
- < / > called as an closing tag.
for example : <p> tag has its closing tag </p> .
Tag that having no closing tag or companion tag is called as an singular tag . Singular tags are also called as opening tags .These tags dosen't have the compulsion of closing tags . They are unpaired and single .
DOCTYPE | to show the browser that which html version we are using |
title | give title in html document |
meta | gives information about html document |
style | gives styling and css information about document |
link | shows linking between current document and other linked document |
Tag | Use of tag |
p | used for writing paragraph |
h1 | heading tag (largest size to heading ) |
h2 | heading tag |
h3 | heading tag |
h4 | heading tag |
h5 | heading tag |
h6 | heading tag(smallest size to heading) |
br | break line tag |
pre | preformatted text |
em | shows text that has stress emphasis |
q | marks short quotation |
abbr | abbreviation tag shows the short form of element |
del | shows the range of text deleted from the document |
address | shows the contact information of person or organization in the document |
cite | shows the reference to cited work of title of the document |
strong | shows the important text in bold |
var | used to define the variable for mathematical equation |
code | used to define the piece of computer code |
bdo | stands for bi-directional override which is used to change current direction |
acronym | used to spell out the another word |
dfn | used to specify the defining instance of term in an document |
blockquote | shows the section of text quoted from another source |
ins | used to mark text in document |
samp | used to represent output from computer program i.e. shows the output in browsers default font |
br | used to break line |
hr | horizontal rule which used create sections in document |
li | shows list of elements |
ul | defines unordered list |
ol | defines ordered list |
dt | shows description list |
dd | shows definition of elements in list |
table | used to create table in document |
th | used to define table heading |
tr | used to define table raw |
td | used to define table data |
tbody | defines body content in html table |
caption | defines html table caption |
col | used to give column properties to each column in table |
thead | used to give header to body content |
tfoot | used to give footer in body content |
colgroup | shows groups of columns in html table |
form | used to create form in document |
input | used to define input data |
textarea | used to insert multiple lines in form |
button | used to define the type of button used in form like submit or reset |
select | used to create the drop-down list |
option | used to choose option from created list |
fieldset | used to group related elements in html form |
label | shows label for element |
legend | used to give caption for parent element |
optgroup | creates grouping of options in drop-down list |
a | used to give linking of another page in document |
base | used to specify the base url |
img | used to insert image in an html document |
area | used to map area on image and make clickable for the user |
map | used to define image map in document |
param | can pass parameters to object embedded in object element |
object | used to show |
script | defines client-side script |
noscript | used when we want to access the page when script is disabled |