
SEM I : Internal Examination I for academic year 2019-2020 Max Marks :-20


Subject: Procedure Oriented Programming using "C"

Q.1 Attempt any five of the following. [2*4=8]
a) Define preprocessors. List any two preprocessor directives.
b) List all control structures in C programming.
c) What is the use of printf statement
d) Define array. Give syntax of array initialization.
e) C is case sensitive language? Justify
f) Define operators. List types of operators.  

Q.2 Attempt any two of the following. [3*4=12]
a) Write a C program to accept 5 numbers and print sum of elements using array.
b) Explain structure of C program with example.
c) Write a C program to check whether a given number is even or odd number.d) Differentiate between while and do while loop with the help of example.

Subject:- Principle of Management

Q.1 Attempt any one of the following. [10*1=10]
a. Define the term management. Explain the importance of management.
b. Explain the various elements and principles of scientific management.

Q.2 Attempt any two of the following. [5*2=10]
a. Write a short note on Management as a Science.
b. Write a short note on Henry Fayol's Principle of Management.c. Write the difference between Administration and management.

Subject :- Database Management Systems

Q.1 Attempt any six of the following: [2*6=12]
1. Define DBMS.
2. Define logical and physical file.
3. Define entity.
4. Explain the term Generalization."
5. Define Index.
6. Define Cardinality.
7. Enlist users of DBMS.

Q.2 Attempt ant two of the following: [2*4=8]
1. Explain Dense and Sparse Index.
2. Describe the Architecture of DBMS.3. In a Nursery the plants are sold to the customers. These plants are flowering and non-flowering
Nutrients are given to the plant with some quantity. Nutrients includes pesticides, watering and

Subject:- Business Communication Skills

Q. 1 Attempt any one of the following.
a. Define the term communication. Explain in detail objectives of communication
b. Define written communication. Explain in details of objectives of written communication.
c. What is a barrier to communication? How one can overcome the barriers in communication?

Q.2 Attempt any two of the following
a. Explain in detail elements of effective listening.
b. Write the difference between written and oral communication.c. Explain in details process of communication.


SEM I : Internal Examination II for academic year 2019-2020 Max Marks :-20

Subject:- Business Communication Skills

Q.1 Attempt any one of the following. [10*1=10]
a. What is Business Correspondence? Explain types of Business Letters.
b. Enumerate different types of media used in modern communication

Q.2 Write a short note on the following (any two). [5*2-10]
a. Types of Teleconference.
b. Effects of modern technology on business & media based on communication
(any one Positive or Negative),
c. Function of Business Correspondence,
d. Features of Good Order Letter. 

Subject: Procedure Oriented using "C"

Q1 Attempt any four of the following. [4*2=8]
a) What is pointer? Give example.
b) Define structure. Give example.
c) Give example of nested for loop statement.
d) What is the use of break statement? e) What is formal and actual parameter ?
f) Define string with example.

Q.2 Attempt any three of the following. [3*4-12]
a. Write a C program to check number is Armstrong or not.
b. Explain the different storage classes in C.
c. Explain the meaning of the following functions:
(1) strlen(ii) tolquer(iii) strrev(iv) strepy
d. Explain types of function with explain any one with example.
e. Trace the output and justify:

int m = 5; 


printf("%d", m + 1);  

else if(m5)  

printf("%d", m+2);  

else if (m<7)  

printf("%d", m+3);  

else printf("%d", m+4);

Subject :- Database Management Systems

Q.1 Attempt any six of the following: [6*2=12]
1. Define Entity.
2. Define fixed length and variable length records. 3. Define Super key.
4. Enlist different aggregate function with an example. 5. Explain term group by clause.
6. Explain term select operation in relation algebra.
7. Define Normalization. Enlist its types.

Q.2 Attempt ant two of the following: [2*4=8]
1. Explain various DML commands with an example.
2. Explain different anomalies related with normalization.
3. Consider the database and write relational algebraic expression.
Cust (cno, name, city), Quotation(qno,qdate,description,amt,cno) are related
with one to many relationship.
a. Display customer names having quotation for 'LCD'
b. Display customers of amount as Rs. 15,000/